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Applied RF Engineering I online (Course 270)


Besser Associates

Based on Les Besser's famous RF course material, this program has been reworked and updated to meet the needs of today's engineers looking for online self-paced study. Video lectures are followed by our exclusive online workbooks featuring interactive problem sets and quizzes along with optional supplemental reading for those who wish to explore topics in more depth. This course is the first part of an RF Engineering Certificate program currently under development by Besser Associates.

Skin Effect and Surface Currents


Keith Armstrong

A helpful article from In-Compliance magazine describing the practical implications of skin effect on product design, particularly sheilding.

Understanding skin effect and surface currents saves us a lot of time and cost in the design of our product’s shielding and filtering, especially for tough EMC standards such as automotive, military or aerospace. It also helps us to more quickly achieve many other issues in cost-effective EMC design.

Quartz Crystal Resonators and Oscillators for Frequency Control and Timing Applications – A Tutorial


John R. Vig

This extensive tutorial provides a thorough foundation for the understanding of piezoelectric/crystal resonators properties and behaviors. The table of contents provides insight into just how comprehensive this tutorial is:

1. Applications and Requirements
2. Quartz Crystal Oscillators
3. Quartz Crystal Resonators
4. Oscillator Stability
5. Quartz Material Properties
6. Atomic Frequency Standards
7. Oscillator Comparison and Specification
8. Time and Timekeeping
9. Related Devices and Applications


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