Industry News
Maury Microwave Acquires mm-Wave and sub-THz Load Pull IP from Vertigo Technologies
Hexagon Completes Acquisition of Septentrio to Expand the Reach of Mission-Critical Navigation Applications
Pragmatic Semiconductor Introduces New RFID NFC Chips Based on Flexible IC Technology
PCTEL Introduces New LTE and 5G Low-Profile Combo Antennas for IoT Applications
Drei and Ericsson Collaborate to Enhance Urban 5G Connectivity by Testing W-Band Frequencies
ATIS’ Next G Alliance Maps Component Technologies for the 6G Future
MtronPTI Announces New RF FIlter Solutions for Electronic Warfare Applications
Millibeam Introduces Beamforming Chipset that Support Dual Connectivity for 5G FR1 and FR2 Bands
Over 1,800 Exhibitors to Showcase their Products at electronica China 2025 in Shanghai Next Month
Silicon Labs Introduces New Bluetooth Wireless SoC for Energy-Efficient IoT Connectivity
Global 5G Adoption Skyrockets to 2.25 Billion, Four Times Faster Than 4G
According to 5G Americas and Omdia, 5G has expanded 4x faster than 4G LTE did in a comparable period, when LTE had just surpassed 500 million connections at the end of 2014.
EnSilica Agrees $18 M Design and Supply ASIC Contract with European Industrial Customer
EnSilica announced that it has been awarded an $18 million design and supply contract by a leading European based supplier of electromechanical products for a Cortex M series Arm-based mixed signal sensor interface ASIC.
ATIS’ Next G Alliance Maps Component Technologies for the 6G Future
ATIS’ Next G Alliance (NGA) announced the release of the 6G Component Technologies White Papers Series, four pieces that address critical technologies that will contribute to North American leadership in the 6G future.
Anywaves Inaugurates its First Pilot Production Site
Anywaves is now launching its first in-house production of space antennas and New Space payloads through its own pilot lines.
SWISSto12 Introduces High-performance User Terminal for Continuous GEO Connectivity
Fractal Antenna Systems Develops Miniaturized Wideband Antenna to Jam Swarms of Drones
Quantic Wenzel Moves to a New 45,000 Square-Foot Facility in Austin to Boost Production Capacity
Nordic Chipset Now Supports the DECT NR+ 915 MHz Band for Smart Grids in North America
Qusine Developing an Ultra-Low Noise Opto-Electronic RF Signal Generator from 3 to 10 GHz