The RF Design section on the EEWeb site lists news, articles, and app notes for this industry segment. The site also includes a variety of forums, and the RF related forum posts are listed.
This connector identifier guide features schematic drawings of over 50 different connector types in each gender. The guide also features a chart comparing the maximum frequency capability of each type. A small glossary of RF terms is also included.
Pasternack's website offers a large selection of RF calculators and converters available for free for general use.
Pasternack's RF calculators and conversions section provides engineers valuable and easy-to-use tools ranging from complex mathematical formulas to simple conversions. Our RF and microwave calculators and converters will provide the figures you need for your radio frequency engineering needs. RF calculations and RF conversions include metric-standard, link budget, coax cable, power, attenuation, frequency and many more.
Instructor Earl McCune has written a new book on envelope tracking for power amplifiers. Look for him to teach a course on the topic with Besser Associates as well.
QUCS is a freeware circuit simulator that supports S-parameter analysis, among other types. It is available for Windows, Linux and OSX operating systems, with varying levels of support from the community.
Operating Modes of Dynamic Power Supply Transmitter Amplifiers
Any amplifier operated with a varying supply voltage is actually a three-port circuit, having two inputs and one output. When an amplifier is characterized as a three-port for dynamic supply voltage operation, three separate operating modes...
This article describes the mathematical basis for tradeoffs among noise figure, gain and return loss of an LNA, with implementation in an EDA design tool
This interactive demo allows you to experiment with waves and reflections under various conditions. The demonstration shows mechanical waves but the concepts are analogous to EM waves on transmission lines.
Watch a string vibrate in slow motion. Wiggle the end of the string and make waves, or adjust the frequency and amplitude of an oscillator. Adjust the damping and tension. The end can be fixed, loose, or open.